
冰心 (1900~1999)

原名謝婉瑩,福建長樂人,是中國現代兒童文學開拓者。由於長壽有「文壇祖母」之稱。1919年,以「冰心」為筆名發表了第一篇小說《兩個家庭》。1921 年,加入文學研究會。1923年,出版短詩集《繁星》和《春水》,震驚文壇。同年赴美留學,專事文學研究。她當時把旅途和異邦的見聞寫成散文,寄回國內報 刊發表,舉國矚目,後結集為《寄小讀者》。

1926年,得文學碩士學位後返國,先後任教燕京大學、清華大學和北平女子文理學院。1946年,與丈夫吳文藻同往日本並於東京大學授課。1951年,回 國。再出版詩歌集《櫻花贊》、散文集《再寄小讀者》等。除創作外,還翻譯過一些外國文學作品。自1954年以來,當選為歷屆全國人大代表。曾任中國文聯副 主席。1999年與世長辭,享年99歲。

Bing Xin (1900 - 1999)

Originally named Xie Wanying; born in Changle, Fujian Province. Bing Xin was the pioneer of the canon of children's literature in modern China. In 1919, she published her first piece Two Families under the pen name "Bing Xin". In 1921, she joined the Literary Research Society. In 1923, she amazed the literary circle with her short poems when they were published in two separate collections, Myriad Stars and Spring Water. In the same year, she went to the United States and focused her attention on literary research. She recounted her travels and experiences of her stay abroad in a series of essays, which were sent back to China to be published in newspapers. These essays caused a national sensation and were later collected and published under the title of Letters to My Little Readers.

In 1926, Bing returned to China after receiving her M.A. degree. She successively taught at Yanjing University, Tsinghua University, and Beijing Women's College of Arts and Sciences. In 1946, she went to Japan with her husband Wu Wenzao and taught at Tokyo University. She went back to China in 1951. Upon her return, she published a collection of poems, Ode to Cherry Blossoms, and a collection of essays, The Second Batch of Letters to My Little Readers. Apart from writing, Bing Xin also translated a number of foreign literary works. A deputy to the National People's Congress since 1954, she was also the vice-chairwoman of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. With the reputation "the grandmother of the literary circle" earned through her longevity, she passed away in 1999 at the age of 99.

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